A voice crying in the wilderness

In 1969 the late Prince Phillip said, “If the world pollution situation is not critical at the moment, it is as certain as anything can be, that the situation will become increasinglyintolerable within a very short time… If we fail to cope with this challenge, all the other problems will pale into insignificance.' A man ahead of his time. A voice crying in the wilderness.


Time passed. Pollution increased. Children died. Floods came and went and came again. Fires and drought joined in.  Whole states and nations were devastated by storms. Hunger ravaged the earth. Refugees died hopeless. Cars and trucks belched smoke. Coral died. Fish were poisoned.

Dear David Attenborough grew more exhausted as he quietly and firmly told what was happening and warned of the dangerous levels of toxins in the air and sea, and the loss of countless species. People loved him, knighted him, but ignored his warnings. “Atta’boy Attenborough”, but only token actions. Another voice crying in the wilderness.

In 2021, the Queen, struggling with her health, still sent a message reminding the leader in Glasgow of the warning given 52 years before by her “dear late husband” and called for statesmanship over self-interest. Her son and grandson shared in the call for action. Voices crying in the wilderness.

The conference ended with minimal results and no clear statement. The “leaders” departed, leaving behind empty words and the fumes of their private jets.  Leaving also the “tidying up” to lesser aides. No voices – only wilderness.

Time continues to pass. Only a pandemic radically reduced emissions as the great human polluters were held still.


Another 52 years and the only voice crying in the wilderness may be a child alone, searching desperately for food in her world ravaged by drought and famine.


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