Climate action made possible

Most of us now know that global warming is a fact and that it affects the future of our planet.

Those of us who have younger family members including children and adults are rightly concerned for their future. Those of us who have friends in low lying areas and particularly in the pacific island countries are aware that some of them are under immediate threat. Often the problem seems too big, and we do nothing much in resignation.


Here are some simple actions you can take – and if you haven’t already you can begin today.

(The good news that almost everything you do will save emissions and also save your money.)

1.       Every night, switch off as many appliances as possible at the wall not just the remote. If there is a little light showing you are using some electricity. Don’t switch them back on until you need them the next day.

2.       Turn off lights when you leave the room or if there is sufficient light don’t turn them on at all. Switch off anything you are not using.

3.       Use some tubs in the sink for essential washing up and reuse the water for your garden or pot plants. The soap residue may reduce pests as well.

4.       Pull down blinds and curtains on hot days first thing in the morning and close the doors and windows. Re-open them when it is cool in the evening. On cold days close up the same when the heating is on. Use draft excluders under doors to keep the heat in or the cold out.

5.       Recycle or compost whatever you can. If you have a recyclable bag in the kitchen somewhere and put in all the soft plastics e.g., bread wrappers, plastic bags, biscuit and confectionary packets, the plastic sealing on food containers, lolly wrappers, toilet paper plastic packets, etc. you will be amazed how much there is in a week or two. They can be recycled easily  Coles or Woolworths and used to make playground equipment, outdoor park furniture and even roads. Covering from pills can mount up and be recycled at some locations.

6.       Walk or use public transport where possible and plan outings such as shopping so you don’t have to drive anywhere too often.

7.       If you home is too hot or too cold spend some time in a library or shopping centre during the day.

8.       Wear warm clothing at night when it is cold even inside. Hoodies are great and inexpensive.

9.       If you can afford to install outside blinds or shutters, solar panels and solar hot water heating, switch to an electric vehicle or hybrid vehicle. (Even though full EV’s are still expensive and limited in range, plug in hybrids mean much of the time you won’t use any petrol. Current petrol prices give immediate savings.)

10.   Talk to your family and friends  to encourage them to make changes and show them what you have done.

11.   Contact politicians and local leaders to encourage climate action.

12.   If you are a member of a group e.g., a club, a church, a sporting group encourage them to think about climate action


Governments talk of zero emissions by 2050 – but I’ll be dead by then and I’d like to see some action in my own lifetime!


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